From FIRED to BOSS LADY! Heather Monahan joins me to teach you how to create confidence that you never knew you had in circumstances that you never wanted! Heather Monahan is a force when it…
Posts Taggedmotivation
Ep 120: Stay Curious, NOT PASSIONATE | #StayCuriousSeries
Why you should stay CURIOUS and NOT PASSIONATE! Welcome to the #StayCuriousSeries where I will debunk topics, things, and ideas that kind of make us go “HUH”? Curiosity is in all of us and was…
Ep 115: From Bankrupt To Insurance Disruption, Sherif Gemayel, CEO of Trufla Technology Drops By!
Happy to have Sherif from Trufla Technology partner with the show to become a sponsor. Sherif is someone who has a plethora of knowledge to pull from when it comes to creating a company and…
Ep 114: Kevin O’Leary From Shark Tank Talks Financial Literacy, Beanstox, Shark Tank & The Need For More Opportunities For Underserved Communities
MR Wonderful aka The Shark Kevin O’Leary himself stopped by the show to chat about so many great timely and valuable topics! I have always been a huge admirer of Kevin and his work. The…
Ep 109: How To Find Your Voice And Purpose
Did you know that maximizing your voice inspires other people to use theirs? I recently was getting interviewed for a small publication and the interviewer and I got into a great discussion as she asked…
Ep 99: How To AMPLIFY Your Talents in ENTREPRENEURSHIP & Build Brand with Evan Carmichael. #Believe
Evan believes in entrepreneurs. At 19, he built then sold a biotech software company. At 22, he was a venture capitalist helping raise $500k to $15mil. He now runs the biggest YouTube channel for entrepreneurs…
Ep 95: Tim Storey Gives Life Advice To Oprah Winfrey & Quincy Jones….To name a few. He Drops By The Show To Help You Become Limitless.
Oprah Winfrey, Quincy Jones, Kanye….these are just a few of the people that my next guest works with as a life coach. His name is Tim Storey and he is the life coach to the…
Ep 84: From Addict To Lawyer, Jordana Goldlist, esteemed Criminal Defense Lawyer Drops By The Show To Explain Being Motivated By Mistakes & Dreams
Jordana Goldlist, esteemed Toronto Criminal Defense Lawyer drops by the show to talk about being motivated by dreams or mistakes. As many of you have been following the show, Jordana is a regular guest, but…
Ep 74: Buy this one thing that will change YOUR life.
Hi, it’s me. Just wanted to drop a nugget and say hello. It has been so long since I have done a solo podcast! Whatever you are doing right now or where ever you are,…
Ep 73: Sam Bakhtiar Goes From $0 to $100,000,000 Man. He drops by the show to share his story!
Sam Bakhtiar stops by the show to share his story of going from being broke with a single mom, immigrating over from Iran alllllll the way to owning a 100 plus gyms and having a…
Ep 70: How To Say Things Better With Lila Smith
Lila Smith, founder of the “Say Things Better” method drops by the show to really help us get out of our heads and use our knowledge, passion and individuality to find our communication partners and…
Ep 68: Domestic Abuse Survivor, Advocate & Model, Svetlana Chernienko Chats Mental Health Awareness
Svetlana Chernienko joins me on the show to share her prolific and epic story. Svetlana is a domestic abuse survivor and mental health advocate. Having battled with mental health herself and surviving suicide gives her…