Manjit Minhas is 40 years old and was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta. This Petroleum Engineering student turned beer baroness is a Dragon on the hit TV show Dragons’ Den on CBC in its…
131: Building YOUR OWN Legacy w/ Jordana Goldlist, Criminal Defence Attorney
What does building a legacy mean to you? Do you build a legacy through your kids? Do you build a legacy through your career? Could you careless about a legacy and focus on NOW? All…
130: Why Asking Someone “How are you?” is pointless. #StayCuriousSeries
How are you? What an overused phrase that often holds little meaning or merit. Let me explain……often when we ask one another “how are you?” we ask and then immediately want to share our story…
129: President of K-Swiss, Barney Waters on The Story Behind Gary Vee’s Shoe Deal & How To Break Through & Create Opportunities For Yourself
How did Gary Vaynerchuk get his own shoe? K-Swiss President, Barney Waters drops by the show to talk about that AND how you can create your own opportunity by doing a few specific things! This…
128: Sweet N’ Nice Ice Cream’s Journey From Trinidad All The Way To Loblaws Shelves w/ Andrew McBarnett | Canadian Black Owned Business Success Story
A true black-owned Candian success story. Imagine going from the beautiful waters of Trinidad all the way to Loblaws store shelves. Let me introduce you to Sweet N’Nice Ice Cream. Andrew McBarnett which is one…
127: Amy Porterfield On How To Build Successful Online Courses & Why Diversity Matters | #BlackHistoryMonth
The queen of online courses, Amy Porterfield dropped by the show to chat about what motivated her to help women sitting in a cubicle realize their voice and expertise matter, but also that they can…
Ep 126: Is ClubHouse Really Worth It FOR YOU? My REACTION
Follow Me On ClubHouse: @RyanHoltz Enjoyed this episode? Please leave a Review on iTunes here. Want to get more exposure and put your business in front of the right audience? Inquire to see how you…
Ep 125: What’s In It For Them? #StayCuriousSeries
Link To Study: here Enjoyed this episode? Please leave a Review on iTunes here. Want to get more exposure and put your business in front of the right audience? Inquire to see how you can…
Ep 124: Heartbeat Hot Sauce’s REACTION to Harry Potter & Celebs Tasting Their Hot Sauce on Hot Ones
Could you imagine creating a hot sauce that is loved by celebrities like Harry Potter aka Daniel Radcliffe, Jeff Goldbloom, Whiz Khalifa and so many more?! Well, Heartbeat Hot Sauce Co-Founder, Al Bourbouhakis did and…
Ep 123: How to Create Confidence in 2021 with Ted Talk Speaker, Heather Monahan
From FIRED to BOSS LADY! Heather Monahan joins me to teach you how to create confidence that you never knew you had in circumstances that you never wanted! Heather Monahan is a force when it…
EP 122: Founder Of REEBOK, Joe Foster on How To Build A $4,000,000,000 Business Empire
Founder of Reebok, Joe Foster drops by the show to chat about how he created a $4 BILLION dollar company by building a brand that made retailers want to carry his product. Joe joined me…
Ep 121: Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from #TeamHoltz
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! Sending you all love and prosperity. If you need anything, reach out! 🙂