I hear it all the time, ” What should I bring?”. The ultimate question when invited over for breakfast, lunch or dinner. This yummy Lemon Yogurt Dip with Spicy Scallions & Roasted Red Peppers will…
163: Camille Dundas of ByBlacks Chats Diversity, Equity & Inclusion In The Workplace
https://youtu.be/nB1Jyy8m1Ao Have you ever considered which side of the opportunity fence you were on? Did you create them or did you receive them? If you are constantly trying to advance your career or personal life,…
162: Doubting Yourself? LISTEN To This. Maximum MOTIVATION. #SoulfulCurrency
The notion that we have time to do just exist and not truly live is astounding! I was asked this great question in an interview of what I thought about cemeteries. Now, I do agree…
Become Your Families Top Chef With This Easy Savoury Pancake Recipe
One of the toughest tasks of family meal planning is trying to get everyone (kids included) to eat more vegetables and fruit. I believe you must lead by example first. When we eat and…
161: We Won Best Marketing Agency In Canada…. And Let’s Talk Three D’s
Because of you, we WON best marketing agency in Canada! We were voted number one in the ByBlacks People’s Choice Awards. Thank you for all your support, truly! In this episode we also chat about…
160: REACTION To Freedom Convoy 2022 & Justin Trudeau Speech
https://youtu.be/jXp1Lb_tfDc It has been a crazy past few days here in Canada with all the #FreedomConvoy22 protests. Here is my reaction! I would love to know your thoughts and opinions. Is the government overstepping? Does…
Food Blog Introduction w/ Food For Love
Hello all my beautiful foodies!!! If you haven’t caught me on IG @foodforlove99, my name is Nora Holtz. I, like many of you, love and perhaps am addicted to all things food. I am obsessed…
How To Write Headlines For Meme Videos & Blogs People ACTUALLY Click
Original Article Credit: Neil Patel There’s more than one reason sites like BuzzFeed, Upworthy, or PopSugar get so many clicks, views, and site visitors. The top reason, though, is that all of these sites use unique, powerful,…
159: Polite Persistence On The Path To Achieving Your Goals #StayCuriousSeries
Are you getting doors slammed on your face? Are you getting the desired results you seek? Are you taking the right approach? These are all questions that this week’s episode may help you to find…
158: DJ EFN Of Drink Champs Chats Fatherhood, Hip Hop Culture, Kanye West & Positive Impact On Entrepreneurship
Legendary DJ EFN of the hit hip hop show Drink Champs drops by the show to chop it up about success, fatherhood, and early days hip hop. This conversation sheds some great light on the human…
157: Your HATERS Are Your Love Teachers. Here’s Why.
This week’s episode is a shorty, but a goodie. Ever asked yourself: “why are these people hating on me?” …..Trust me when I tell you that it is a great thing! Enjoy! Episode sponsored by: Motion…
156: My Son Daijon Holtz Joins Me To Discuss His First Quarter Of Kindergarten!
I invite you to enjoy my MOST EPIC and World-Class guest to date. I introduce you to my beautiful god’s gift of hope, Daijon Holtz! Enjoy! Love you, king! Your Dad, Mom, and Sisters celebrate…