Anyone who has heard me speak or talked to me for more than 75 seconds has heard me say “5 Jabs and a Right Hook”. In a loud and noisy world full of subliminal marketing and advertising messages being thrown at you whether it is on your smart phone, billboard, twitter, facebook, pinterest, tumblr, vine, youtube and the list goes on! It is extremely important to build value.
Marketing your product or service has become very complex and measurable in a market place where consumers are constantly dialed in through smart phones and tablets. I personally think that knowledge is power and staying connected is one of the great ways to keep up to date with what is going on; that being said, first impressions are everything when you have a second (click, impression, visitor, unique view, mention, retweet, like, pin, view) to make that person notice you. Yes that is right, I said “person” because all those clicks, impressions, retweets, mentions are from real people just like you and me. The power of a hand shake or hello especially in a digital world is even more massive! I believe that you should give wayyyyy more then you ask. “Ryan, I have a small business and I need to make some capital or else I will have to shut down.” Great point and I understand, but the cold hard truth is that relationships take time to groom, flourish and prosper and there is no shortcut. If you try to shortcut then you become that person who walks into a cocktail party, hands out a ton of business cards and then bounces. We all have experienced that and do we ever make contact or reach out to that person? NO!
I read the phrase “5 Jabs and a Right Hook” from Gary Vaynerchuk’s book called the “Thankyou economy” and it stood out because it was a cool, simple way of saying “treat people how you want to be treated”. Don’t be that person who calls only when you need something, instead, be that person others can count on. Build value and the rest will come!
Ps-I am still new at this “writing” thing so excuse any of my grammar or run on sentence errors.
Over and Out