Wounded Feminine VS Toxic Masculinity

Toxic masculinity is a term that’s been thrown around a lot lately, especially in terms of male politicians and celebrities. But what does it actually mean? And how does toxic masculinity impact women? The answer: it impacts us on a very deep level.

Women should never struggle with accepting compliments and feeling attractive.

You should never feel guilty about accepting compliments or feeling attractive. You are beautiful and you know it, but your self-esteem can be damaged by being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t believe you are beautiful.

You have the right to feel attractive and confident in your relationships without fear of judgment from others, even if those people happen to have penises themselves. You deserve better than that!

Your boyfriend deserves better than that!

Toxic masculinity can be defined as the cultural expectation that men should be aggressive and insensitive

Toxic masculinity can be defined as the cultural expectation that men should be aggressive and insensitive to their emotions. It’s often seen as positive when men do not show emotion or are abusive towards women, children, or other men. Examples of toxic masculinity include:

  • “Boys will be boys.” This phrase excuses violence against women and children.
  • Men feel pressured to have sexual relationships with many women in order to prove their masculinity, which leads to rape culture.

Toxic masculinity affects men’s relationships with women by encouraging them to view women as objects instead of human beings with agency over their own lives who deserve respect and equality in society at large—a symptom of rape culture that perpetuates misogynistic attitudes towards all women (not just the ones you may know personally). For example: Do you think that all guys will cheat on their girlfriends? Why would they want another girl if they already have someone they love? Or perhaps even worse…How could anyone ever fall out of love with someone as amazing as me?!

Women are taught to be emotionally available and self-sacrificing from an early age

Women are taught to be emotionally available and self-sacrificing from an early age. They are expected to look good, make other people feel good, and not have any expectations of themselves. This expectation dictates their actions in every single area of their life.

For example, when a woman is getting ready for a date or going out for the night with friends, she’ll spend hours choosing what to wear and putting on makeup because she wants her date or friend to think that she looks beautiful. But it doesn’t matter what he thinks because she shouldn’t have been dressed up in the first place if all she wanted was some ice cream or pizza with friends! She should just wear whatever feels comfortable and let others respect her as they see fit!

Women have a complex relationship with their own appearance and attractiveness

While men are taught to be emotionally available, women are taught to be self-sacrificing and emotionally available. Women are the emotional support for others and this can cause a lot of stress. Men are taught that if they don’t have a problem with their bodies, then it’s not their problem. If a man has an issue with his appearance or feels like he isn’t attractive enough, he won’t talk about it because he doesn’t want anyone else questioning his masculinity or attractiveness.

Men also don’t get hurt as much by society’s expectations because they don’t feel the need to look perfect all the time like women do (or at least in my experience). Women constantly compare themselves physically with other women and that brings up feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem that can lead into depression later on in life if left unchecked over time

Women have the power to change the way they see themselves in relationships

The first step to changing your way of thinking is to accept compliments. You don’t have to say “thank you” if you don’t want to, but you should at least acknowledge them. You also need to stop feeling embarrassed about your appearance—it’s part of your identity and it can be beautiful.

In addition, it’s important for women not just be able to express their emotions; they also need a safe place in which they can do this. This means having someone who will listen without judging or criticizing what they say—and that person should be their partner!

If there aren’t any available then perhaps consider seeing a therapist: it could really help! Being able to ask for help when needed is another crucial element here because otherwise things will just keep piling up until eventually one day everything falls apart and we end up feeling hopelessly overwhelmed by life itself; all those feelings left unprocessed over time become toxic…

Women should not accept mistreatment in relationships, there are resources that can help

  • Women should not accept mistreatment in relationships.
  • Women should not accept relationships that are toxic.
  • If you feel like you are being mistreated, ask for help. There are resources available to help women who find themselves in abusive relationships (find one near you here).

women can attract healthy relationships, regardless of how they feel about themselves

Women can attract healthy relationships, regardless of how they feel about themselves.

A woman’s self-esteem is not something that should be sacrificed for a relationship. Women should learn to value themselves and feel more attractive to their partner. In addition, women should not accept mistreatment in relationships — whether it be verbal or physical. And lastly, women should learn to accept compliments from the people around them so that when the time comes for them to find someone with whom they can develop real intimacy and love, their confidence will shine through on its own merit!


Toxic masculinity is a serious issue that affects both men and women. Women should never feel insecure about themselves; they deserve to be treated with respect, just as much as men do. If you are struggling with this problem or know someone who does, there are resources available that can help. Whether it is counseling or therapy sessions through an organization such as RAINN (Rape Abuse Incest National Network), there is always someone willing to listen

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