So today I was a guest on Florida based online automotive talk show series Auto Dealer Live. The automotive panel discussion topic was:
“Should automotive sales professional be on salary or commission?”
Here in Edmonton, Alberta Canada I have seen many pay structures, but most are commissioned based. I believe that sales people who earn a commission are individuals that want to control their own professional destiny. Hustle Hustle Hustle!
David Villa from Auto Dealer Live proposed this question: “In society, do we feel that giving everyone a red ribbon of merit is a good strategy?” Most of the panel felt that it is healthy and nutritional to have competition as it builds character for an individual.
I use to play football growing up and looking back , losses were just as valuable as wins because the lessons learned from a loss had just as much merit as lessons from a win. The old adage of “pick yourself up and dust yourself off” is a life lesson that is learned through challenges.
So let me ask you these questions:
Does winning and losing matter?
Is first or second place relevant?
Would you rather be on salary or commission?
I would love to hear your feedback and as always, shoot me a note and let’s chat about it.