So, in my recent workshop that I did for The Edmonton Realtors Association I kept getting this questions asked repeatedly: “What is The Different Between a Facebook Fan Page and Friend Page?” Now I know to most, this would seem like such a basic question but in all honesty it is not. A lot of people get confused as to which page is which. In Facebook you need to have a “personal” account in order to then create a Business “Fan” Page. This is the part that seems to throw most down the bender.
Above you will see a screenshot of my a personal Facebook page, but if you look closely, you will see to the far right where the arrow is pointing to personal attributes of a personal page. Notice things like friend requests and birthdays. These types of categories immediately tell you that you are using Facebook as a “personal” user.

If you look at this picture, you will see a arrow pointing to your Facebook “fan” page. Once you have logged into Facebook, immediately look left and all the way down and you will notice under “favorites” that you see another page. This would be your Business Facebook Fan Page.

Above you will see a screenshot of a business facebook fan page. In fact, it is mine (Yes I know, I need to get more fans lol). All jokes aside, if you utilize Facebook and the many options that come with a business page, you will notice your business get some great digital traction.
I hope this helps you to be able to understand the difference between a Fan page and a personal page. As for the difference in functions and why Facebook has fan pages and personal pages, I would need another thousand posts to explain, but at least for now, you get the basic difference.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.